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Audience Analytics – by Quantcast


Quantcast Measure provides fine-grained data about visitors to every page of your website. This includes statistics about platform usage (mobile vs. desktop) and site traffic, as well as audience demographics such as age, gender, geography, income, education, occupation, and family status.

The product also goes deeper to offer detailed information about visitors’ favorite websites, shopping behavior, general interests & hobbies, media and entertainment preferences, and even political affiliations.


  • Plugin helps you easily set up Quantcast on your site
  • Website profile shows audience demographics, shopping patterns, interests and much more


  1. Download the Quantcast plugin.

  2. Create an account at, verify your email, and submit your website.

  3. Install the Quantcast plugin on your WordPress site.

  4. Activate the plugin from the Plugins screen in WordPress.

  5. Go to the Settings > Quantcast, enter your Quantcast Tracking ID aka your P-code, and click save.

Perguntas frequentes

None so far !


1 Agosto, 2017 3 respostas
As much as I dearly want to know the audience insights and demographics of my traffic, I have, unfortunately, had to remove their tracking verification plugin and scripts. I tried both their plugin and their manually placed tracking script. Both had a negative affect on my pageload speed. The plugin is far worse affect than the manually placed script. The plugin somehow manages to affect both image optimization output and javascript minification across the board. The primary issues are their server’s expires headers settings for their javascript and pixel, and their javascript cannot be minified. Both scripts cause page load to hang something awful on mobile devices. While this is a great concept, it is a very poorly written plugin. LL
15 Dezembro, 2016
Super simple way to integrate your Quantcast tag on to your WordPress site (I just moved over from something custom). Definitely take a look – I find the Quantcast audience data really interesting and useful as I try to get to know my viewers better.
Ler todas as 2 avaliações

Contribuidores e programadores

“Audience Analytics – by Quantcast” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


  • Initial release