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Cyr to Lat enhanced


Converts Cyrillic and Georgian characters in post, page and term slugs to Latin characters. Useful for creating human-readable URLs.

This plugin is a fork of cyr2lat plugin.


  • Automatically converts existing post, page and term slugs on activation
  • Saves existing post and page permalinks integrity
  • Performs transliteration of attachment file names
  • Includes Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Macedonian characters
  • Transliteration table can be customized without editing the plugin itself

Based on the original Rus-To-Lat plugin by Anton Skorobogatov.


  1. Upload cyr3lat folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Make sure your system has iconv set up right, or iconv is not installed at all. If you have any problems (trimmed slugs, strange characters, question marks) – please ask for support.

Perguntas frequentes

How can I define my own substitutions?

Add this code to your theme’s functions.php file:

function my_cyr_to_lat_table($ctl_table) {
   $ctl_table['Ъ'] = 'U';
   $ctl_table['ъ'] = 'u';
   return $ctl_table;
add_filter('ctl_table', 'my_cyr_to_lat_table');


10 Dezembro, 2018
Works well on any website I’ve uploaded to – maybe more than 30-40! Never caused me problems. Thank you!
2 Junho, 2018
Сначала выдал ошибку: Fatal error: Cannot redeclare ctl_sanitize_title() (previously declared in /home/**/wp-content/plugins/cyr2lat/cyr-to-lat.php:11) in /home/**/wp-content/plugins/cyr3lat/cyr-to-lat.php on line 84 Понял, что был активирован cyr to lat обычный. Его отключил – всё работает. Буду тестировать.
1 Fevereiro, 2018
Самая отягощающая проблема, это отсутсвие редиректа с бывших кириллических страниц на новые. А этих страниц оказывается очень много.
19 Janeiro, 2018
Не рекомендую к установке, полгода боролся с вирусами на сайте, оказалось что это плагин старый и дырявый. Я не говорю что в данном плагине вирусы, я о том что в нем имеются уязвимости.
Ler todas as 49 avaliações

Contribuidores e programadores

“Cyr to Lat enhanced” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


  • added prepare() for every SQL query


  • added esc_sql for SQL query


  • Removed quotes from table which added extra dashes


  • Fixes for Ukrainian characters


  • Bugfix: posts of status “future” were not affected


  • Added support for European diacritics


  • Added Georgian transliteration table
  • A problem with some letters causing apostrophes in slugs was resolved



  • Added transliteration when publishing via XML-RPC
  • Fixed Invalid Taxonomy error when viewing the most used tags


  • Fixed transliteration when saving a draft


  • Added automatic conversion of existing post, page and term slugs
  • Added saving of existing post and page permalinks integrity
  • Added transliteration of attachment file names
  • Adjusted transliteration table in accordance with ISO 9 standard
  • Included Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Macedonian characters
  • Added filter for the transliteration table


  • Optimized filter call


  • Added check for existing terms


  • Updated description


  • Initial release