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Delivery Man Management with delivery report for Woocommerce


This plugin allows to create deliveryman and assign them to orders and send E-mail notification to deliveryman when an order is assigned to deliveryman


  • Manage deliveryman.
  • Filter Delivery Man by date and Delivery status.
  • Generate report.
  • Email Notifications to delivery Man
  • Product Delivery Tab on My Account for Delivery Man


  • Assign deliveryman role to user
  • Assign a order to deliveryman
  • Delivery Assign List(Reports) 4, 4. Delivery Assign list on My account for deliveryman


  1. After plugin Activation, Go to Users->Add New, from WordPress main left menu
  2. Create a deliver man (user) and select \’Deliveryman\’ from Role drop down
  3. Edit any Woo Commerce order and Select Rider from the options in right side and then save order

Note: You must have WooCommerce activated before using this plugin.

Perguntas frequentes

1. How do we add order to a delivery man.

Go to user->edit User, assign user role as deliveryman, This user will be shown as delivery man in a order details.


5 Junho, 2017
Good Plugin for delivery Man management. Waiting for future improvement…
Ler 1 avaliação

Contribuidores e programadores

“Delivery Man Management with delivery report for Woocommerce” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


*bug fix for 1.1
*UI: Added Delivery Assign List on My Account
� Added: Send Email Notification when a delivery Man status Changes for an order


*bug fix for 1.0
*UI: Changes in UI


  • First release. (1.0)