

This plugin has been closed as of 5 Dezembro, 2024 and is not available for download. This closure is temporary, pending a full review.


10 Agosto, 2017
so far, this is the only one that detects ALL custom-post-types, whereas others are able to find only parent CPTs. But the filters should list ALL taxonomies (not just the ones currently associated to posts, which is right for Authors) and should load as the page loads, not a few seconds later.
3 Setembro, 2016 1 resposta
Unbelievable that WP doesn’t have something like this in the core, I think it’s in the minimums. Thanks for your work! Don’t get me wrong, the plugin is awesome but I’ll give it 5 stars when the vulnerability described by ap.koponen is fixed… If not, I’ll uninstall it and find alternatives (“Simple Page Ordering” is cool too… but not the same)
8 Fevereiro, 2017 1 resposta
This plugin has a SQL-injection vulnerability in at least Filter.php appendWhere -function. Date range $_GET[] are not being sanitized and are appended with through posts_where filter.
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