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eMail Signature Manager


Generate a personalized user email signature for each of your colleague and analyze global email ‘prints’ through WP.

eMail Signature Manager is a wordpress plugin to help you to generate an email signature for each of your colleague. You can inject a banner in these signatures, with a call to action, to market a new product, an incoming event or whatever you want. It’s the cheapest way to communicate.

This signature is based on a signature template and information about user and company information. Using such an approach improves your organization’s brand by providing a uniform communication. Your templates may also include specific texts, graphics and links. It includes analytics about your images and the followed links.

Each of your collaborators communicate tens of times a day through mails. This plugin is the opportunity to take profit of this communication type to provide a pretty brand signature and promote your next meetings, your new products…


  • Add banner rotation so a signature may display a different image, taken in a predefined set, at each print. Increases message exposition.


  • Update supported wordpress version to 5.2
  • Add multi company support


  • Path redirection fix


  • Project start


  • Add new company
  • Add new mail signature
  • List all persons (signatures)
  • My Signature
  • Redirections, call to actions and statistics


  • WordPress Plugins Directory: Navigate to Plugins Add New in the WordPress admin and search “eMail Signature Manager.” Click Install and then Activate.
  • Zip Upload: Navigate to Plugins Add New Upload Plugin in the WordPress admin. Browse to the .zip file containing the plugin on your computer and upload, then activate.
  • Manual FTP Upload: Upload the plugin folder to /wp-content/plugins/. Navigate to Plugins in the WordPress admin and activate.

Perguntas frequentes

  • TBD


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Contribuidores e programadores

“eMail Signature Manager” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:
