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Video Forum / QA / Discussion Board


Transform your website into a vibrant community hub with the Video Forum / QA / Discussion Board plugin. This innovative tool allows you to create custom forums and Q&A boards that support webcam, microphone, and screen recordings, making interactions more engaging. Tailor permissions, manage file attachments, and monetize content seamlessly. Ideal for niche communities or educational platforms, it extends functionality with customizable post types and integrates smoothly with other plugins for a richer user experience.


  • Multimedia Integration: Allows video, audio, and screen recordings, bringing a dynamic dimension to discussions.
  • Customizable Forums: Configure forums, topics types with custom permissions tailored to specific community needs.
  • Monetization Capabilities: Implement monetization strategies with attachments and premium content options.
  • Flexible File Attachments: Supports various file types and manages upload constraints like size and format.
  • Hierarchical Structure: Organize content in a structured way with sub-forums and topics to enhance user navigation.
  • Extended Plugin Compatibility: Seamlessly works with other plugins to broaden functionality, such as FansPaysite/MicroPayments digital asset management.
  • Enhanced User Permissions: Detailed control over who can create, manage, and interact within the forum based on roles or specific user lists.

Key Features

  • Implements customizable post types for forums, topics, messages that allow access and features per item (monetization, ratings)
  • Unlimited levels for hierarchical forums, sub-forums, topics
  • Custom permissions to create, manage forums, topics, messages
  • Permissions can be configured by roles, user list (logins, emails)
  • Thumbnail support for forums, topics
  • File attachments (configure allowed extensions, max size)
  • Upload featured image for forum/topic/post from frontend
  • Video/Audio/Screen recording attachments with HTML5 Recorder plugin
  • Manage forums/topics/post monetization with MicroPayments – Digital Assets Management plugin


  • Forum View: Can contain sub-forums, topics; can have thumbnails
  • Topic View: Can contain public replies or accessible by subscription or payment
  • Message Edit: messages can have thumbnails, attachments, video/audio/screen recordings
  • Forum Edit: configure who can add sub-forums, topics, answers (dark mode)


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Contribuidores e programadores

“Video Forum / QA / Discussion Board” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


  • File attachments for messages/posts
  • Video/Audio/Screen recording attachments with HTML5 Recorder plugin
  • Manage forums/topics/post monetization with MicroPayments – Digital Assets Management plugin
  • Upload featured image for forum/topic/post from frontend


  • Custom Permissions


  • First version