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f(x) Login Customizer


f(x) Login Customizer is a plugin to design and modify WordPress login page using Customize API.

After installation of this plugin, you upload logo and change your login page background from “Appearance > Customize Login”.


  1. Super simple and easy to use.
  2. Upload custom logo.
  3. Change background color.
  4. More features are coming.
  5. Automatically change logo URL to site home page.
  6. The GPL v2.0 or later license. 🙂 Use it to make something cool.
  7. Support available at Genbu Media.
    Notes for developer:


Development of this plugin is hosted at GitHub. Pull request and bug reports are welcome.


This plugin save the options in single option name: fx-login-customizer.


  • Background Color.


  1. Navigate to “Plugins > Add New” Page from your Admin.
  2. To install directly from repository, search the plugin name in the search box and click “Install Now” button to install the plugin.
  3. To install from plugin .zip file, click “Upload Plugin” button in “Plugins > Add New” Screen. Browse the plugin .zip file, and click “Install Now” button.
  4. Activate the plugin.
  5. Navigate to “Appearance > Customize Login” to design your login page.

Perguntas frequentes

Where is the settings ?

The settings is using customizer API, you can navigate to “Appearance > Customize Login”.


3 Setembro, 2016 1 resposta
Just what I was looking for today! Awesome!
Ler 1 avaliação

Contribuidores e programadores

“f(x) Login Customizer” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações

1.0.1 – 09 Dec 2016

  • Compat with WP 4.7 and Panel.

1.0.0 – 10 Jan 2015

  • Init