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NS Widget Recent Comments


NS Widget Recent Comments is simple and effective plugin. There is only two, but most important options that you can choose:

  • Number of comments to show.
  • Size of author’s avatar.

Clean design makes it easy to fit in any kind of look of WordPress themes.


  • Show chosen number of recent comments from your blog with author’s avatars.

Informação do plugin

Tested up to: 4.4.2

Stable tag: trunk
License: GNU General Public License
License URI:

This is a widget that let you show the latest comments from your WordPress Blog in a Sidebar area with comments author’s avatars.


  • NS Widget Recent Comments options
  • NS Widget Recent Comments


  • From The WordPress Dashboard

    Navigate to the \’Add New\’ in the plugins dashboard
    Search for \’NS Widget Recent Comments\’
    Click \’Install Now\’
    Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard

    • Uploading to your WordPress Dashboard

    Navigate to the \’Add New\’ in the plugins dashboard
    Navigate to the \’Upload\’ area
    Select from your PC or Lap Top
    Click \’Install Now\’
    Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

    • Using FTP Client

    Extract the ns-widget-recent-comments directory to your PC or Lap Top
    Upload directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard

  • Utilização:

On the Appearance dashboard choose Widgets. Find “NetScripter: Recent Comments” on the left side where the widgets are. Click on it and choose the widget area you would like to place the widget. Then click on the small arrow on the right from the “NS Widget Recent Comments” title, a dropdown menu with

options will appear. You can then fill in the informations and choose appropriate options as you like.

Click “save” button, and your Recent Comments are on your WordPress blog’s Sidebar!

Perguntas frequentes

Does the plugin support localization?

Yes, you can find .POT file in a folder “languages”.

Please send your localization files (.mo и .po) to

  • Changed WP_Widget that is deprecated since version 4.3.0, to __construct.
  • This version fixes Translation bugs, that prevented translated .po file not to show in desired language.
  • 1.1
  • 1.0


3 Setembro, 2016 1 resposta
Hi, I like you comments widget. Here it is possible to display avatars. But if I have a comment from Facebook the Facebook Avatars are not shown. $output .= ‘<ul id=”ns”>’; if ( $comments ) { foreach ( (array) $comments as $comment) { $output .= ‘<div class=”avat”>’; $output .= get_avatar(get_comment_author_email($comment->comment_ID), $size) . ‘ ‘; $output .= sprintf(__(‘%1$s on </div><li class=”ns-comment”> %2$s’, ‘widget-recent-comments’), get_comment_author(), ‘comment_ID) ) . ‘”>’ . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . ”); $output .= ‘<br style=”clear:both;height:0;margin:0;padding:0;” />’; } } Is it possible to do that with an if else commando like this example? if ($comment->user_id) {echo get_avatar($td_comment_auth_email, 50);} else {echo get_avatar( $comment, 50 );} So if an User is registered on the Site he has it´s avatar, and the Users from outside the Site have their avatar for Example Facebook shown? Greets, Karl
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