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Ojama Flying Sankocho


The Japanese Paradise Flycatcher comes out flutteringly and follows about mouse cursor.

This bird takes over mouse cursor when you stop mouse movement.

If you click several times, The JPF will go away.

That’s all. That’s annoying.

Sankocho (Japanese Paradise Flycatcher)is a bird that breeds in summer season in Japan. And Sankocho is very popular with bird-watchers.

That bird is very lovable, unique, and voice is also unique. It makes us have fun.

That bird’s voice sounded like a “tuki, hii, hoshi, hoihoihoi”.

“Tuki” in Japanese means moon in English. “Hii” in Japanese means sun. and “hoshi” means star.

The name of Sankocho made by two part of “sanko” and “cho”. “Sanko” means three kinds of light. “Cho” means bird.

The name of Sankocho named from three kinds of light, moon, sun and star.

“Ojama” of this plugin’s name in Japanese means to disturb in English.

I made this plugin because I love Sankocho, but this plugin doesn’t help with anything.

Contributor’s birds photo sitePhotographs of Japanese bird

Arbitrary section 1


  • Japanese Paradise Flycatcher.
  • Option page japanese.
  • Option page english.


  1. Upload “ojama-flying-sankocho” folder which include”flying_jpf.php” to the”/wp-content/plugins/” directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the”Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. Go to”WP-Admin -> Settings -> Flying Sankocho plugin Option” to configure the plugin options
  4. Default setting don’t start.
  5. This plugin doesn’t start up when accessed by device that has touch-panel or device’s width resolution smaller than 770px.

Perguntas frequentes

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload “ojama-flying-sankocho” folder which include”flying_jpf.php” to the”/wp-content/plugins/” directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the”Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. Go to”WP-Admin -> Settings -> Flying Sankocho plugin Option” to configure the plugin options
  4. Default setting don’t start.
  5. This plugin doesn’t start up when accessed by device that has touch-panel or device’s width resolution smaller than 770px.
What web browsers are supported?

The supporting Web browser has to be HTML5 and CSS3.

What is the supporting language?

Japanese and English supports it.
But I am poor in English. English part needs improvement.

After having deleted the plugin, how does the stored optional value turn out?

The stored optional value is deleted if you delete plugin in WP-Admin->plugins menu.


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Contribuidores e programadores

“Ojama Flying Sankocho” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


May 15,2016
* Ojama Flying Sankocho release