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Prev-Next Keyboard Navigation


Prev-Next Keyboard Navigation adds javascript to allow moving through postings on index and archive pages using the J/K keys to skip to the next or previous post.

A “post” is defined as any DIV with the class “post”.


  • Scrolls the current post to the top
  • View next post with “J”, previous post with “K”
  • After the last post on a page, continues to the next page

Planned features:

  • Allow admins to define custom classnames to match for posts


  1. Download the Keyboard Navigation zip file.
  2. Extract the files to your WordPress plugins directory.
  3. Activate the plugin via the WordPress Plugins tab.

Perguntas frequentes



Este plugin não tem avaliações.

Contribuidores e programadores

“Prev-Next Keyboard Navigation” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


  • Fixed the algorythm to account for fractional scrollTop property in Firefox


  • Adds a listener to page scroll event, to update the position for keyboard navigation


  • Continues to next page when you pass the last (or first) post on the current page


  • Moved javascript to separate file
  • Added jQuery
  • Fixed scrolltop
  • Tested on Windows Vista in Firefox 3, Internet Explorer 7, Google Chrome 3, Safari 4


  • Don’t add key navigation on single posts
  • Don’t function on keypress inside of textarea or input elements


  • Initial version.