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Profile Update Notification


This plugin extends the WP-Members plugin from Chad Butler.
It allows users to get notifications when a user updates his wp-members fields.


  • activate/deactivate notifications
  • set roles of users to send the notifications to
  • set the wp-members fields


  • Admin Panel – Plugin Settings


Just upload the “pun” folder to /wp-content/plugins/ and activate it through the ‘Plugins’ menu!

Perguntas frequentes

Will there be a pro version with more features?

Yes, the pro version is coming soon!


Ler 1 avaliação

Contribuidores e programadores

“Profile Update Notification” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


  • Added settings to select the roles of users who will receive the notifications.
  • Added settings to select the fields.
  • Added “Settings updated!” Message.


  • First version.