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RSS Desktop Notifications


This plugin works with the free GrabThatFeed(TM) service to subscribe your visitors to your RSS feed, by issuing Chrome Desktop Notifications when new posts are published on your feed. The advantage of this free service over regular RSS is that it makes your RSS feed available to non-savvy visitors who do not use an RSS reader. Your users don’t actually have to even know what RSS is.
With this plugin, you just enter your feed ID, and the embed code is planted on your pages automatically.
Alternatively you can use the included shortcode tags bto include it on a specific page.

Changelog ===2.0 =* Replaced embed code with version 4

Changelog ===1.9 =* Replaced embed code with version 2

1.8 =* Instead of linking to the form in a seperate window, The plugin now uses a direct iframe to a customized form on, so for the WP site admin, the process is seamless.

1.7 =*first release after testing

Arbitrary section

The plugin itself is a simple way to include the GrabThatFeed embed code in your WordPress blog.
It allows the user to embed the code in the wordpress template, so it appears on all pages.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Add the plugin to your website from the admin plugin search.

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

  3. Go to the settings page and fill out the form.

Perguntas frequentes

What does it do again?

This plugin embeds a button/popup on your site or on specific pages, prompting visitors to subscribe to notifications of new posts on your feed.
Once a visitor subscribes, he/she will receive a notification (like a push notification) when you publish a new post.

So how is this better than my RSS feed?

It is not better, it is an extension to your RSS feed. It makes your RSS feed available to users who don’t use an RSS reader (about 90% of internet users don’t know what RSS is)

How long does it take for a notification to appear?

Depends on the settings selected by the user (typicall a few hours).
Of course, a notification will appear only when Chrome is open.

Does it work with firefox or internet explorer, or safari?

No, it works only with Chrome, but that is most of your visitors anyway.

Does it plant the code on all pages?

Yes, that’s the default action, alternatively you can get the simple embed code from and enter in manually on a page.

Is this a free service?


Does it come with ads?



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Contribuidores e programadores

“RSS Desktop Notifications” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:
