Simple Classifieds


Really simple classifieds plugin.


There are 3 ways to install this plugin:

1. The super easy way

  1. In your Admin, go to menu Plugins > Add
  2. Search for Simple Classifieds
  3. Click to install
  4. Activate the plugin
  5. A new menu Simple Classifieds will appear in your Admin

2. The easy way

  1. Download the plugin (.zip file) on the right column of this page
  2. In your Admin, go to menu Plugins > Add
  3. Select button Upload Plugin
  4. Upload the .zip file you just downloaded
  5. Activate the plugin
  6. A new menu Classifieds will appear in your Admin

3. The old and reliable way (FTP)

  1. Upload classifieds folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. A new menu Classifieds will appear in your Admin


Ler 1 avaliação

Contribuidores e programadores

“Simple Classifieds” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


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Interessado no desenvolvimento?

Consulte o código, consulte o repositório SVN, ou subscreva o registo de alterações por RSS.

Registo de alterações

1.0.2 (2024-11-25)

  • Missing class property declaration has been fixed.
  • The “flush_rewrite_rules()” calling has been added after installation.
  • The iWorks Options module has been updated to 2.9.2.
  • The iWorks Rate module has been updated to 2.1.8.

1.0.1 (2020-03-20)

  • Removed “dashicons”.
  • Removed “jQuery” dependency.
  • Load depend assets only on singular post type.


  • Initial revision.