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Simple SKU Generator


The purpose of Simple SKU Generator plugin is to create SKU for the products.


Click here sku-overview.pdf to download the instructions

Read the sku-overview.pdf for more details how the plugin works

These are the 4 current browsers that currently support/display this plugin correctly:

  1. FireFox (Current Version: 84.0.2 and up)
  2. Chrome (Current Version: 87.0.4 and up)
  3. Opera (Current Version: 73.0.3 and up)
  4. Microsoft Edge (Current Version: 87.0.6 and up)



  1. Download and activate WooCommerce plugin which is required for Simple SKU Generator plugin to work.
  2. Upload the plugin from your WordPress Plugins section.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Perguntas frequentes

How many SKU can the Simple SKU Generator plugin create?

The total numbers of SKU that Simple SKU Generator plugin can create is varies between 6 to 13 digits/letters.

What are the 4 options to used to created the SKU?

(1) Month: 2 dights/Number(1): 1 dight/Number(3): 3 dight/Letter: 1 dight or Blank. (2) Year: 4 dight. (3) Date: 2 dight. (4) The amount of products you have: 4 dights.

What are the digits base on?

The digits can be used to create barcode digits for EAN-8, UPC-A, EAN-13, CODE-39, CODE-93, EAN-128, CODE-128, ITF, QR, DMTX

What is a Blank?

The Blank purpose is to shorten the digits for EAN-8 (& UPC-C) or for your own preference. There are Blank for Month/Number(1)/Number(3)/Letter, Year, Date. Letter, Year, Date.

I wouldn’t advise shorten less than 8 digits.

It’s hard to read and follow which sku is assign to which product once scan the barcode.

The sku display page has 2 buttons what are their function?

The Remove button will ONLY remove/delete all the SKU from the SKU table not from the WordPress database. It won’t delete the products on your websites. It’s best to remove the SKU list after you export the CSV that contain the SKU.

The Export CSV button will export the CSV. There will be no header on the CSV file.

How do I upload the CSV file that contain the SKU for the products and keep the old SKU?

Before you upload the CSV file, you have to backup database or export your current products because if you are not sure if you are uploading the CSV file correctly or make a mistake. You can always import the current products CSV file and redo this again correctly.

You can used WooCommerce products (CSV) importer, which is offer by WooCommerce plugin to upload the CSV file.

Everytime you open a CVS file it will ask you to save the file twice, just save it twice.


*** Before you upload the the new CSV file, you have to backup database or export your current products ***

What happened if I deactivate the plugin or delete the plugin?

If you deactivate the plugin it will stay on the plugin page. But if you delete/remove the plugin it will delete the folders, files and also the tables from the wordpress database.


21 Maio, 2023
This is a strange plugin. It does work as it say create SKU. Please update this plugin as it works well with your other plugin (barcode)
6 Abril, 2018
I follow the instructions and it works! Is it possible to edit the SKU then export the list and then upload the spreadsheet? If you can add that, it will speed up the process and save time.
Ler todas as 3 avaliações

Contribuidores e programadores

“Simple SKU Generator” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações

Version 1.3.0 – 01-08-2021

  • Fixed discrepancy / errors.
  • Modify & Update & Add codes on the plugin.
  • Update READMEs file.
  • Update Instructions for the sku-overview.pdf.
  • Compatible and tested with WordPress: 5.6.0
  • Compatible and tested with WooCommerce: 4.8.0
  • Maintenance.

Version 1.2.0 – 12-20-2018

  • Fixed discrepancy / errors.
  • Modify & Update & Add codes on the plugin.
  • Update README file.
  • Update Instructions for the sku-overview.pdf.
  • Compatible and tested with WordPress: 5.0.2
  • Compatible and tested with WooCommerce: 3.5.3
  • Maintenance.

Version 1.1.1 – 01-01-2018

  • Maintenance.

Version 1.1.0 – 07-30-2017

  • Maintenance.
  • Update codes on the plugin.

Version 1.0.0 – 07-02-2017

  • First release.