Simplicy post view
is a widget that displays one or more items to your sidebar with several options:
-Select an item or category
-The item number is displayed (if a category is selected)
-Display of the title and customize size
-Display of the excerpt or not
-Character limit in the extract (if the option Show the extract is checked)
-Display of miniature or not
-Dimensions of the miniature in order to fit your theme (if the option Show thumbnails is checked)
Easily add items to your pages and post through shortcode
- French fr_FR
- English – en_EN
- Spanish – es_ES (Thanks to Andrew Kurtis
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents into the folder wp-content/plugins / directory of your WordPress installation and activate the plugin from the Plugins page.
Using the shortcode Tools —> Simplicy post view
A single column in the center
[spw title="Your Title" position="center" collum_width="300" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="no" excerpt="30" image_width="300" image_height="200"]
Two columns
[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]
[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" margin_left="30" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]
Four columns and two up two down
[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]
[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" margin_left="30" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]
[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]
[spw title="Your Title" position="left" collum_width="250" margin_left="30" cat="1" numberpost="4" meta="yes" excerpt="30" image_width="250" image_height="190"]
Este plugin não tem avaliações.
Contribuidores e programadores
“Simplicy post view” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:
ContribuidoresTraduza o “Simplicy post view” para o seu idioma.
Interessado no desenvolvimento?
Consulte o código, consulte o repositório SVN, ou subscreva o registo de alterações por RSS.
Registo de alterações
Version 1.0 (21/05/2011)
= Version 1.1 (27/06/2011) =
Version 1.2 (28/10/2011) = Fixed minor bugs and add css style sheet=
Version 1.3 (18/11/2011) = Fixed minor bugs
Version 1.4 (3/12/2011) = Fixed bugs Excerpt
Version 1.5 (16/12/2011) = adding option Select all category
Version 1.6 (11/01/2012) = Fixed bugs excerpt
Version 1.7 (19/01/2012) = = change function excerpt
Version 1.8 (5/03/2012) = change function URL attachement image post
Version 1.9 (5/03/2012) = change function excerpt add html tag
Version 1.9.1 (27/09/2012) = adding news function
Version 2.0 (27/09/2012) = adding shortcodes
Version 2.1 (19/08/2016) = Fixed bugs WordPress 4.6