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Testimonials Pro


Display your testimonials easily in a professional manner:

  • View/Edit/Delete testimonials from clients

  • Include a widget into the sidebar

  • Insert a short-code on your posts or pages

Brought to you by Freelance Gurus.


  • The sidebar widget.
  • The widget back-end.


Installation is simple:

  1. Download Testimonials Pro
  2. Upload with WordPress
  3. Activate
  4. Add new testimonials and remove samples
  5. Add widget or short-code

Perguntas frequentes

Am I able to insert the testimonials output anywhere?

Yes. You can include it in the sidebar by going to Appearance > Widgets or through a shortcode.
For the shortcode just insert [testimonials-pro] in some of your posts or pages.

I don’t need a More testimonials link. How can I remove it?

Not adding anything in More testimonials text, in the widget area, will automatically remove the link.

Please feel free to post new questions here


Este plugin não tem avaliações.

Contribuidores e programadores

“Testimonials Pro” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações

Testimonials Pro 1.2

  • Fixed can’t edit/create new testimonials – link is not a required field

Testimonials Pro 1.1

Fixed bugs:

  • Deleting alert

  • Can’t enter testimonials after deleting

  • More user friendly

Initial Version

September 3, 2012 – Version 1.0