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WP Vegas


A fullscreen background slideshow plugin based on Jay Salvat’s Vegas Background jQuery Plugin. You can see a working demo at

What Can This Plugin Do?

You can use it to

  • Create a fullscreen slideshow
  • Create a fullscreen background (single slide)
  • That’s about it… It does use the new media uploader and you can drag and drop your images to rearrange them which is kind of cool.

This plugin does one thing and one thing only, to keep it small yet fully functional.

For a list of cool new features in version 2.0 check out the Changelog

About the Shortcode:

There are 8 parameters total that you can use with this shortcode. The ID being the only one that’s absolutely required.

List of parameters:

  • id
  • fade
  • delay
  • overlay
  • arrows
  • autoplay
  • poster
  • random

    [vegas id=”565″ fade=”2500″ delay =”4500″ overlay=”” arrows=”yes” autoplay=”yes” poster=”yes” random=”yes”]

NOTE FOR THEME DEVELOPERS: This plugin makes use of both wp_head() and wp_footer() so if your theme is missing either you may experience issues using this plugin.


  • Demonstration
  • Backend Example
  • Usage Example
  • Shortcode Generator
  • Shortcode Parameter Explanation



  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Use the shortcode [vegas id=”xxx”]
  4. Customize the slideshow using the parameters explained in screenshot #5

Using the Shortcode

After you’ve added images to your slideshow and generated a shortcode you just need to copy the shortcode and paste it into the content of any page or post you want the slideshow to show up on. If you want it to show up on every page you’ll have to add some code to the header.php file in your theme. See the codex’s do_shortcode article for more information on the matter.

See screenshot #5 for a description of the shortcode parameters.


3 Setembro, 2016
Works straight out of the box, UI is very easy to use and required absolutely zero tweaks. Thanks J&M!
Ler todas as 36 avaliações

Contribuidores e programadores

“WP Vegas” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações

Version 2.1

  • Added ‘random’ attribute to make slideshows display slides in a random order
  • Added random attribute to shortcode generator
  • Added minor cursor hover effect over thumbnails

Version 2.0

  • Added a custom shortcode column to the custom post type for ease of use
  • Added a Help link on the plugins page to direct those who need help to some documentation
  • Added a shortcode generator on the Add New/Edit Slideshow pages to help simplify that process
  • Added support for adding images from the media library
  • Added an ABSPATH check as an added security measure
  • Completely redid how images are uploaded and saved
  • Fixed default values not working for the shortcode
  • Minified css and js
  • Rebranded the plugin to WP Vegas because it’s simpler and I like it better
  • Refactored how the plugin outputs code which is now much cleaner
  • Refacted the readme.txt so it might actually be useful to someone
  • Refactored the whole plugin into a class with methods
  • Removed global option to add the slideshow to all pages because it seemed superfluous (can be done with do_shortcode)
  • Removed unnecessary options and functions
  • Removed title attribute
  • Sanatize image IDs before they’re saved
  • Updated vegas.js to the latest version (version 1.3.4)

Versions 1.0 – 1.5

  • I was a slacker and didn’t keep track.