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Video Chat for Cisco and FusionPBX Callcenters


Providing Video solutions for the web users. Using this solution, a web user can initiate a video call request to the Cisco Contact Center Express (UCCX) and Enterprise (CCE) during a web chat session of Expertflow Hybrid Chat solution.This module is a simple click to dial service which connects customers from website to cisco contact center agent through a realtime call.
The customers will have to fill certain details before initiating a call. This information include Name, Email, Phone Number, Problem Message), if all the infromation is provided then the module starts initiating call.

Communication Flow

  1. A web user wants to connect to Cisco Contact Center agent via WebRTC Video without having to download or install any software
  2. This user request will initiate a call from Customer WebRTC to Cisco Call Center agent
  3. This WebRTC is converted by Expertflow’s WebRTC -SIP gateway to a SIP call, Which is then routed to Cisco Cubes/Gateway from where the routing will be handled by the Cisco end.
  4. The initiating web user will be asked to allow system resources (mic, camera) access from his WebRTC capable web browser
  5. Upon access grant, the video call will be started.
    The call is encrypted via WebRTC from the customer’s browser to the EF WebRTC-SIP gateway, and from the gateway to Cisco CUBE using SIP with TLS.

Solution Prerequsites

This is the link where you can find complete details of the solution including all hardware and software
prerequsites, TLS and port utilization requirements for the installation and connectivity with internal and external components.

Integration on Website

Expertflow will provide the JS/HTML link to the website owner, which they need to add in the website header. Expertflow will also provide the sample HTML page that can be used as a reference for the website owner/developer.

Setting UP a Video Call

For setting up a video conferencing system , We have a Debian server running the latest stable FreeSWITCH build, IP phones( Zoiper/ Jabber) and Cisco SX set .

The default port5,060,506,150,805,081

  • codec,H.261 Video (passthru),mod_h26x
  • codec,H.263 Video (passthru),mod_h26x
  • codec,H.263+ Video (passthru),mod_h26x
  • codec,H.263++ Video (passthru),mod_h26x
  • codec,H.264 Video (passthru),mod_h26x

Deployment Guide

For the smooth installation of the plugin please follow the steps explained on the Deployment Guide.

Forum for Queries Related to Solution

We have also a public forum where you can find the responses and discussions on previous queries and you can also participate or intiate the discussion. Forum can be accessed here.

This is the documentation link where you can find complete latest details and updates of the product.



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