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WebConnex Form Management


The easiest way to embed, link to you or generate a pop-up for your WebConnex forms. Once installed embedding a form is as easy as copying and pasting the URL.

The plugin adds a button to the editor of Posts and Pages to easily allow you to create a button to link to the form or embed the form right in your WordPress site.

Works with GivingFuel, RedPodium, RegFox, and TicketSpice forms.


Simply install and active the plugin. This plugin uses shortcodes which will work in the Gutenberg editor, but the plugin is easier to use in the classic editor.

Perguntas frequentes

How do I get my form URLs?
The easiest way is to visit the form and copy and paste the URL from your web browser.

What’s the difference between button, popup and Embedded?
There are three different ways you can get site visitors to your form:

  • Button – This will link them from your site to your WebConnex form
  • Popup – This will generate a button that when clicked on creates a modal overlay with your form embedded, visitors will not leave your site
  • Embedded – Your form will appear at that spot on your page

Can I write a short code directly?
Yes, the pop-up just makes that easy the following parameters are accepted:

  • url – the URL of the form
  • type – how you want the form to appear, possible entries are link,modal, or embed

The following don’t apply if the type is set to embed, but will still be accepted.

  • fg – the color of the copy on the button
  • bg – the background color of the button

[wxform url=”” type=”modal” bg=”#7BB045″ fg=”#FFFFFF”]Modal Me[/wxform]

Why does my embed or popup not work on Safari?
As of right now, we only support the link option on Safari. It has to do with the interaction of Safari and our services, and we are actively working on a better long term solution.


Este plugin não tem avaliações.

Contribuidores e programadores

“WebConnex Form Management” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações

1.6.19 Testing on WordPress 5.7, fix for PHP 8
1.6.18 Testing on WordPress 5.4.2
1.6.17 Adding back in iFrame support for embeds for Safari
1.6.16 Removing iFrame embeds for Safari
1.6.15 License update
1.6.13 Input sanitization and security update for WordPress compatibility
1.6.12 WordPress 5.2 Compatibility and iframe library update
1.6.11 WordPress 5.1 Compatibility and style resilience
1.6.10 Internal updates
1.6.6 Moving security notice
1.6.5 Testing WordPress Compatibility
1.6.3 Fixing URL paramater for embed type
1.6 Changing how URL paramaters are added
1.5 Adding container to button
1.4 Adding container to button
1.3 Setting button to open in a new window
1.2 Renaming plugin
1.1 Updating FAQ and adding icons
1.0 Initial version