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WordPress Nice Scrollbar


WordPress nice scrollbar is a WordPress plugin which enable unlimited color scrollbar in the WordPress website.
There are unlimited color theme. You can easily change color of the scrollbar.
It can change the speed of scroll and other options of the scrollbar.


  • Easly installable
  • Unlimited color scrollbar
  • Supper customizable
  • Perfect scrollbar
  • Work with all version of WordPress
  • Work All devices
  • Work all major browser
  • Supported horizontal scrollbar
  • Supported scrollbar width
  • Supported border-radius


1.This plugin was developed by [Raju Ahmed]


Raju Ahmed []



1.Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory.
2.Activate the Plugin from Plugins page.

Perguntas frequentes

Do you have questions or issues about wordPress-nice-scrollbar? [Contact Me]


8 Fevereiro, 2017
The same plugin is to buy from codecanyon. but is free here. it works fine in wordpress site.
8 Fevereiro, 2017
WordPress Nice Scrollbar is worked fine in my wordpress site. It is to buy from codecanyon, but it is free here. Thanks you Raju Ahmed for give us free it.
Ler todas as 3 avaliações

Contribuidores e programadores

“WordPress Nice Scrollbar” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações

version 2.0

  • More lighter than previous version.

version 1.0

Implementation of basic functionality.