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Colorful Newsly

Colorful Newsly

Tema comercial

Este tema é gratuito, mas oferece actualizações ou suporte comercial pagos.

Tema dependente de ResponsiveBlogily.

  • Versão 1.6
  • Última actualização 13 de Junho, 2023
  • Instalações activas 200+
  • Versão do WordPress 4.0
  • Versão do PHP 4.0

Colorful Newsly is your responsive and SEO friendly responsive blog, the theme is crafted to be used for blogging, journalist writing, or newspapers. The code is optimized and clean so your website’s loading time will be amazing. We have inserted lots of advertisement space where you can put your Google Adsense or other types of ads if you wish. The theme works with Beaver Pagebuilder. it’s, of course, responsive so it works on tablets, desktop computers, and mobile phones on any system such as Apple’s iOS/iPhone, Android, or Windows phones.

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Instalações activas: 200+


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Este tema está disponível nos seguintes idiomas: English (US), Nederlands (België), Nederlands e Svenska.

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