

Todos os temas

Modern Storytelling

Modern Storytelling

Tema comercial

Este tema é gratuito, mas oferece actualizações ou suporte comercial pagos.

Tema dependente de FlatMagazinews.

  • Versão 1.7
  • Última actualização 13 de Junho, 2023
  • Instalações activas 800+
  • Versão do WordPress 4.0
  • Versão do PHP 4.0

Flatmagazinews is a simple and minimalistic flat magazine newspaper WordPress theme. It’s easy to use and set up, the features are limited to color change and custom background and header image. The theme is. We have optimized the SEO (search engine optimization) a lot so it’s easy to find websites that use our blogging theme on Google and other search engines (even ASK & Yahoo). We have made sure to put lots of space for ads, you can have them in the top, sidebar, footer, and more, all through widgets so it’s easy to integrate ad programs such as AdSense. The theme is responsive and works with most schema markups (json etc) so you can have reviews or other types of affiliate content. You can publish editorial content about fashion, food, gaming, guides, politics, recipes, stories, charity, activism, product reviews, travel, lifestyle, techology, memes, or even revenue generating content such as cryptocurrency, forex, betting, gambling, and more.

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Instalações activas: 800+


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Este tema está disponível nos seguintes idiomas: English (US), Nederlands e Svenska.

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