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  • Versão 1.8.40
  • Última actualização 17 de Março, 2023
  • Instalações activas 10+
  • Versão do PHP 5.6

Theme is optimized for mobile and tablet devices. Header and background images changeable. Footer widgets all display in a horizontal layout. Option to not display admin login nickname on posts. Runs on minimal files structure which is an altruistic way to run a blog that requires fast load times. Theme is built to support VertyCal plugin but can be used for any purpose. Options include Removable Search Bar, Page Width for Desktop, Side Pull-out Navigation on mobile, Google Font Muli can be easily swapped out for other fonts, Custom Logo supported, Remove MetaData Headings, Remove Header altogether to make more room for VertyCal or any mobile plugin. Demo at https://twosides.tswdev.com/

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Instalações activas: 10+


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