Este plugin não foi testado com as 3 últimas grandes versões do WordPress. Pode já não ser suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.



The TalkJS plugin allows you to add user-to-user chat to your marketplace, on-demand app, or social platform. You’ll have it up and running in 5 minutes. It integrates fully with WooCommerce and marketplace/multi-vendor plugins like WCVendors.

This plugin offers you shortcodes and template tags for our three basic views: The inbox, the chatbox and the chat pop-up. It also adds a chatbox widget and an inbox-page.

TalkJS is the messaging tool for platforms. Add buyer seller chat to your marketplace, on-demand app, or peer-to-peer chat to your social platform. Similar to what Airbnb, Upwork, or LinkedIn are offering in messaging.

By providing direct contact between your users, you’re saving on customer support time, increase user interaction and retention.

With this plugin, you can add TalkJS to your WordPress installation in just a few clicks and allow your users to chat with each other inside of your website or app right away!

NOTE: This plugin is free, but you’ll need a TalkJS subscription to be able to use it in a production environment. TalkJS offers unlimited testing and a 14 day free trial when you go live.

For developers

If you’re looking to integrate the TalkJS messaging platform to your WordPress site, this is the easiest way to do it.
You can use three methods of implementation:

  1. Shortcodes
  2. Widgets
  3. Template tags


You can use shortcodes on a post-by-post basis. The following three shortcodes allows you to easily use any TalkJS UI:

  • [talkjs_chat]
  • [talkjs_inbox]
  • [talkjs_popup]

You can pass along the default conversation user for the chat and the popup. You do this by adding a user ID to the shortcode: [talkjs_chat user=”2″]

If you wish to get the author of the post as your conversation user you can use the following: [talkjs_chat userType=”author”]. You shouldn’t fill in the user ID in this case since it overwrites the userType.

With all three you can pass along a custom welcome message like this: [talkjs_chat welcomeMessage=”Hi there!”]

For Inbox and Chatbox, you can also customize the width and height of the shortcodes by passing width and height properties like this: [talkjs_chat height=”500px” width=”250px”]

There are some predefined styles to make integration easier, if you want full control over the style of the TalkJS UI container, you can pass style property to overwrite the default styles. width and height properties are ignored when style is used.

The popup also has an option to keep it open between pages by using the shortcode with the keepOpen property e.g. [talkjs_popup keepOpen=”true”]


There’s currently only one widget available: The TalkJS Chatbox widget. In it you can set a title, a welcome message and the conversation user (the current post author if blank)

Template tags

You can use template tags if you want to display the chatbox, inbox or popup on certain templates. You use them in your code like so:

<?php talkjs_chat();?>
<?php talkjs_popup();?>
<?php talkjs_inbox();?>

You can pass along the same attributes as in the shortcode-version. You add them in an array, like this:
“Hi there, let\’s chat!”,
‘userType’ => ‘author’

Welcome Message customization

You can add custom variables to your welcome message. These variables are available:

  • {{first_name}} -> logged in users’ first name.
  • {{last_name}} -> logged in users’ last name.
  • {{name}} -> logged in users’ full name.

Available filters

We currently have one filter available for developers. Feel free to contact us if you need any other filters.


Hide your custom post-type as a viable chat option.

add_filter( 'talkjs_hidden_post_types_for_chat_popup', function( $postTypes ){

    $postTypes[] = 'my-custom-post-type';
    return $postTypes;



  • The TalkJS settings page


Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Upload talkjs to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to initiate the test version of the plugin.
  4. If you’re satisfied with the plugin in development mode, please consider updating to a paid account.


Este plugin não tem avaliações.

Contribuidores e programadores

“TalkJS” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


  • Minor SVN fix merged into git


  • Minor SVN fix merged to git
  • Fixes various minor issues in preperation of a big new version


  • Tested the code with latest versions of WordPress.
  • Fixes various minor issues in preperation of a big new version


  • Fixed bug that caused to popup to remain open
  • Renamed loadOpen property to keepOpen for the [talkjs_popup] shortcode
  • Minor UX improvements


  • Fixed a bug where the Popup could not be closed.


  • Fixed a bug where shortcodes wouldn’t create a conversation with user with certain id


  • Fixed a bug where the notifications badge is always shown


  • Fixed a bug where a “hidden” class was added to the menus when there is no logged in user


  • Fixed a bug where auto show popup feature shows the current user to chat instead of the post author


  • Support for older PHP versions, down to 5.3
  • Fixed various bugs
  • Use display_name instead of user_nicename


  • Fixed a bug with setting user ID for chats


  • Added property “loadOpen” for [talkjs_popup] shortcode
  • Fixed PHP errors


  • Updated README


  • Adds width, height and style properties
  • Fixes links


  • Adds automatic Identity Validation
  • Adds option to pass topicId and subject to [talkjs_chat], [talkjs_inbox], [talkjs_popup] shortcodes
  • Removes Publishable Keys since they are deprecated


  • First public release
  • Adds [talkjs_chat], [talkjs_inbox], [talkjs_popup] shortcodes
  • Adds a chatbox widget
  • Adds template tags for talkjs_chat() talkjs_inbox() and talkjs_popup()