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TJ Custom CSS


This plugin will enable a custom css manager on administration page to add Custom CSS code to your WordPress website. It will automatically override any theme or plugin default styles. It also very useful if you want to add customization to your website but do not want to edit your theme or plugin css files.

It comes with two ways to add the custom css code:

1. Setting
You can go to Appearance → Custom CSS, then you will see a big box/textarea. Put your css code there.

2. Customizer – Live Preview
If you want to see the live preview while you adding the custom css code, then you can go to Appearance → Customize, after that open the Custom CSS section tab.

Features Include:

  • No configuration needed
  • Live preview
  • Easy-to-use
  • Child theme alternative to add customization
  • Uninstall procedure

Informação do plugin


  • Custom CSS settings.
  • Customizer.


Through Dashboard

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to Plugins -> Add New
  2. Type theme junkie custom css in the search box and click on search button.
  3. Find Theme Junkie Custom CSS plugin.
  4. Then click on Install Now after that activate the plugin.
  5. Go to Appearance → Custom CSS.

Installing Via FTP

  1. Download the plugin to your hardisk.
  2. Unzip.
  3. Upload the theme-junkie-custom-css folder into your plugins directory.
  4. Log in to your WordPress admin panel and click the Plugins menu.
  5. Then activate the plugin.
  6. Go to Appearance → Custom CSS.


25 Maio, 2023
Great, works nicely! Thank you! However, search is not working as suppose to, and doesn’t work at all in russian if you have russian comments. Work around is to go to Custom CSS. But that’s different story. Pleasure.
3 Setembro, 2016 1 resposta
Great alternative to Simple Custom CSS, now that it’s no longer being maintained. You would think there wasn’t much to say about a custom css plugin, but this one not only adds the usual Custom CSS pane to Appearance, but adds it to Customize as well, so you can preview your code changes without having to refresh and switch tabs. Love this feature! Generally a well-thought-out plugin, with scroll bars and pane expanders where you need them, numbered lines, a link to Mozilla’s html/css tutorial (which, let’s be honest, is friendlier than W3’s), and keeps the promotion for their other products unobtrusive and out of the way of functionality. The only suggestion I would make is to add an additional save button near the top of the custom css box on the Custom CSS pane, as well as the one at the bottom.
Ler todas as 6 avaliações

Contribuidores e programadores

“TJ Custom CSS” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações

0.1.6 – Feb 26, 2016

  • Support WordPress 4.4.2
  • Change text domain to theme-junkie-custom-css

0.1.5 – 9/08/2015

  • Fixed some selecter being striped

0.1.4 – 9/06/2015

  • Support WordPress 4.3
  • Update language
  • Sanitize output with wp_filter_nohtml_kses to prevent user add any HTML code to the custom css

0.1.3 – 9/04/2014

  • Tested for WordPress 4.0

0.1.2 – 8/26/2014

  • Fixed: stripslashes error when using customizer.

0.1.1 – 8/18/2014

  • Allow html entities in css selector eg. #id > .class

0.1 – 4/20/2014

  • Initial Release