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WP Calories


WP Calories is a wordpress plugin that allows you to add new widget to Your sidebar.
WP Calories shows a beautiful food photo whith big calories ( kcal ) description. WP Calories is an essential plugin for all site/blogs the subject of health food and diets.


  1. All of the photograph link (nofallow) to the relevant Wikipedia pages, so anyone interested can learn more about the fruit shown.
  2. Photo is described by the large text of amount of calories, as well as a one-line description under the photo.
  3. All photographs are optimized for web (jpg, quality 90%)and have a title and alt attributes.
  4. Plugin adds the contents with the best practices of SEO.
  5. When the page refreshes widget show different (random) photo.

Demo :

You can see a demo on my website :


  • WP Calories Plugin
  • WP Calories Plugin in use


  • Download it
    • Extract all files from the zip archive
    • Copy the wp-calories folder to wp-content/plugins
    • Activate the plugin through the �Plugins� menu in wordpress
    • Add WP Calories Widget to your sidebar
    • That’s all !


Este plugin não tem avaliações.

Contribuidores e programadores

“WP Calories” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


  • First release.