Este plugin não foi testado com as 3 últimas grandes versões do WordPress. Pode já não ser suportado e pode ter problemas de compatibilidade quando usado com versões mais recentes do WordPress.

WP Code Highlight


WP Code Highlight provides syntax highlighting of source code snippets and it is W3C valid.
Wrap code blocks with <pre> and </pre>
It provides a code button(HTML editor) to help you insert code in articles easily.
You don’t need to specify the language since WP Code Highlight will guess, all languages are supported.
You can put line numbers in your code if you need.
There are 4 highlight themes, you can choose from them or display by random.
It can also load wp-code-highlight.css from current wordpress theme directory.
It can delete its own options, so it is also a green plugin !

Basic Usage

  1. Download and extract to wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. “Dashboard”->”Users”->”Your Profile”->”Disable the visual editor when writing”
  4. “Dashboard”->”Settings”->”WP Code Highlight”
  5. Wrap code blocks with <pre> and </pre> (It provides a code button in the HTML editor)
  6. You don’t need to specify the language since WP Code Highlight will guess, all languages are supported
  7. It can also load wp-code-highlight.css from current wordpress theme directory

More Information

For more information of this plugin, please visit: Plugin Homepage.

Related Links:


  • Admin page screenshot
  • Code Button


  1. Download and extract to wp-content/plugins/
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress
  3. “Dashboard”->”Users”->”Your Profile”->”Disable the visual editor when writing”
  4. “Dashboard”->”Settings”->”WP Code Highlight”
  5. Wrap code blocks with <pre> and </pre> (It provides a code button in the HTML editor)
  6. You don’t need to specify the language since WP Code Highlight will guess, all languages are supported
  7. It can also load wp-code-highlight.css from current wordpress theme directory

Perguntas frequentes

You can sumbit it in


2 Setembro, 2019
This plugin was working fine, until some point in the last 12 months. I checked an old post and discovered that my content was no longer displaying, and discovered this plugin was the cause. Upon deactivation, my content reappeared. So, like others have posted, it doesn’t seem to work with PHP 7
3 Maio, 2018
I used to use this plugin on my site, but since upgrading to PHP 7.1, this plugin no longer works, therefore I’ve uninstalled it.
19 Janeiro, 2017
I was using it quite a bit. After a while, I forgot about it. Out of convienience I started to use gist and embedded them. There are good reasons not to do this and for those reasons this plugin is suitable. I do not quite remember, I think I abandoned this plugin, since I use a lot of < and > and there is no fun doing so with the WP Editor. Must have been something like this, but not really related to this plugin. I switched to PHP7 and my blog posts seem to disappear. I found out, this plugin does not work with PHP7. No worries, your posts are not lost, but they are not displayed properly. When you deactivate the plugin, everything works as it is supposed to. If you want to use this plugin and PHP7 you might want to have a look into this comment by a friendly user: Would be great, if the plugin would get updated though 🙂
Ler todas as 14 avaliações

Contribuidores e programadores

“WP Code Highlight” é software de código aberto. As seguintes pessoas contribuíram para este plugin:


Registo de alterações


  • Some optimization


  • Updated newline handling to handle fixes to IE 10
  • Remove unused JS files
  • Optimize CSS
  • Register Setting


  • Some optimization


  • Corrected the bugs of ‘Code Button’, due to the quicktags was changed since WordPress 3.3


  • Corrected the slashes bugs
  • Add settings link


  • Detailed usage


  • Corrected some bugs,thanks to ‘’


  • Add languages packs


  • Corrected some IE6 bugs


  • Html special chars can be displayed
  • Some optimize


  • Some optimize
  • Corrected some bugs of Line Numbers


  • Some optimize
  • Corrected some mistakes


  • Some optimize
  • Corrected some mistakes


  • First release.